
Everything happens for a reason

Sometimes things look black, and sometimes it is not because they are black but because we expect the worst and do not try hard enough to look at what is really happening.

We hear all kind of stories, and from bits and pieces of information we form scenarios in our heads, instead of going to the bottom of problem and communicating and exposing our heart, risking to be hurt but risking also to gain.

Sometimes things that bring us most headaches and most sorrows are the flowers that will bring the nicest fruits.

I am happy today, a friend whom I have considered long lost has put amazing amount of effort to establish contacts again...and I am so grateful.

The real friend is not the one who taps you on the back but one who cares about you so much that even after he thinks you have hurt him immensely will care for you that much to try to talk about it, and will gather strength to call and courage to speak the truth.

Is there someone you have considered cut out from your life for a reason, and you miss him still? Do not hesitate, lift up the phone, and give him a call. Good chances are the person on the other side of the line will feel just the same.

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