
Miracle babies

I slept long; waking up only when babies where crying, finally got something to eat, went shopping for things needed, ate something and now I am back.

Four days after Ulla started giving birth, overall balance is: I lost 2 kilos, got some grey hair, trimmed my fingernails all the way to the elbows; Ulla is recovering and kittens, 4 of them are growing.

I cannot express my gratitude for all of beautiful people who were with me during Ulla's delivery. Even when I could not thing straight and did not have a clue what to do, there was always someone to help me and guide me.

It is you who saved this babies, I could not have done it on my own.

What did I learn from all of this is that hard times come just to show us how blessed we are.
I belive now that if we have a dream and opened heart when we need help it will come.

These babies are very special, they are brought to world with help and positive wishes from many wonderful people, they had many guardian angels, and against all the odds they are here, growing in front of my eyes.

Every time I look at them, and Ulla I feel warm around my heart, I think of all of you who were with us in your thoughs and I smile.

THANK YOU not only for guidance, support, strenght and even help in making a decision when I was to tired to think, but thank you for reminding me that miracles happen.
And every one of us has the angel quality inside to bring the light to other's lives with just a little kindness and care.

I wish I could do more to show how grateful I am ...and I have said it so many times, that is has started to wear off a bit...but THANK YOU.

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